Use a computer


The library has public computers with Internet access. This describes what we have and how to use them.


public computer area 

  • The Cushing Community Library is fortunate to be able to offer the public the use of five computers
  • The computers in a computer cluster in the main library room
  • What software is loaded on the computers
  • We have a time limit of 30 minutes for each session and if no one is waiting to use the computers the person may have another 30 minute session
  • Persons must sigh in on the Computer Use Log in the presence of the library director and then the library director will monitor the session time
  • The Library computers have a Internet filter on them 
  • We do not necessarily have an age limit but each user must have an Internet Use Agreement signed and on file at the library
  • Computer user under the age of 18 must have a Internet Use Agreement signed by a parent before they are allowed to use the libraries computers.


Guidelines for using the Libraries computers